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Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP): A Methodology For The Collective Construction Of Knowledge Applied At Unicamp

A. Azevedo
C. Morini
E. Júnior
This book is not a book written in the traditional format. A group of three professors from the Faculty of Applied Sciences (FCA) of the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) led a project on indicators related to public policies to promote entrepreneurship in the municipalities of São Paulo. This project was developed over four semesters with the participation of 84 undergraduate and graduate students from different Unicamp courses. The project was developed within a program whose methodology is presented in this introduction. Thus, this book deals with a new methodology applied in Brazil, as well as presents research results developed in a teaching environment, with impacts for society (extension), based on international collaboration.

The question that motivated the implementation of a new methodology in Brazil is how to integrate teaching, research and extension within the classroom? And still have an international dimension of this practice? The materialization of the university's missions is one of the main objectives to be pursued. Historically, the university has dealt with these missions (teaching, research and extension) in a way that is not always integrated, nor has it always considered the fourth mission of the University: internationalization.

Thinking about innovative initiatives to integrate the university's missions, we are going to present a program that can be applied in other Universities, in an interdisciplinary way, working with projects, with something index of engagement of professors and students in the proposition of possible solutions to problems that interest the community.
Publication Year