Little Engineers (ENACTUS)

Dr. Niezen, A. Escalante; Unidos por PR Grand, $10,000 need to be completed by Sept 5 2018. Hydroponic farms will be implemented, but the research of green energy still in progress. Oriental Bank Grand, $1000, will be used to complete the green energy research.

Little Engineers (ENACTUS)


Develop a community with economical needs and support their sustainability process after a catastrophic event by providing green and solar energy plus the use of hydroponic farming.

Issues Involved or Addressed

After Maria's Hurricane the need of electricity and food become a national issue. The use of gas generators became a necessity but inaccessible for communities in need.

Methods and Technologies

  • Research the use of hydroponic farms to create green energy.
  • Use of solar energy to support the water supply system of the farm.
  • Design portable hydroponic farms for lettuge sales and be stored for storms.
  • Design residential farm for a low income family.
  • Create sustainability by providing green energy, hydroponic farms and catastrophics events seminars to 9th graders.
  • Develop program sustainability by establishing hydroponic farms in public schools. Sales will be done to nearby restaurants.
  • Create program sustainability by training 9th graders so they become the trainers for the following year.
  • Trained 9th graders will provide a residential hydroponic farm and coaching of how to react in a catastrophic event.
  • After sustainability metrics are reached, move the program to other schools.

Academic Majors of Interest

  • Environmental Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Entrepreneurship

Preferred Interests and Preparation


Team Advisors

Circe Niezen PhD.
787-622-8000 x 641
Jose A. Morales, PhD. P.E. BB
787-622-8000 x 264
Omar Movil, PhD.
787-622-8000 x 360


Dr. Niezen, A. Escalante; Unidos por PR Grand, $10,000 need to be completed by Sept 5 2018. Hydroponic farms will be implemented, but the research of green energy still in progress. Oriental Bank Grand, $1000, will be used to complete the green energy research.