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Thank you for your interest in supporting the VIP Consortium!

Thousands of students participate in Vertically Integrated Projects® (VIP) programs each term at 44 institutions across the U.S. and internationally. Studies have shown that the VIP experience improves students’:

  • Management and leadership skills
  • Understanding of technology applications relevant to their field of study
  • Ability to work in a multi-disciplinary team
  • Ability to work with individuals from diverse backgrounds

All of these attributes help students succeed in college and in their careers.  Importantly, VIP removes barriers to this high-impact experience so that traditionally underserved students participate at the same rate as their peers.

Help us continue to spread VIP to even more students and more places by making a donation to the VIP Consortium today. 

To make your donation online, please click the Donate button below to be redirected to PayPal.  Thank you!


VIP Consortium, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, and gifts to our organization are tax deductible in the U.S. to the extent allowed by law. 

If you wish to make your gift in honor or in memory of someone else, please contact

For information about corporate or philanthropic partnership opportunities, please click here.