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Joining the Consortium

We welcome inquiries and would be happy to arrange an introduction to VIP!

The VIP Consortium is open to institutions with pilot Vertically Integrated Projects programs, departmental programs, college-wide programs, and campus-wide programs.  Prospective sites will be asked to develop a plan for program implementation that addresses the key program elements defined by the Consortium (below). Experienced VIP leaders are available to discuss this with you and provide assistance. For further details, contact

Program Leadership
  • VIP Program led by research active professor(s) with a VIP team.
  • Each project team embedded in and benefits advisor’s scholarship and exploration efforts.
  • Large-scale projects lasting years/decades.
    Minimum effective project duration is about 5 years; Typical team size of 10-15 once established (new teams are usually smaller).
  • Multidisciplinary teams encouraged.
  • Team topics based on faculty interests; students select teams based on personal interest.
  • Program is curricular; all students are graded.
    No volunteers, no pass/fail.
  • Incentives for students to participate on the same team for 2+ years.
  • Grading process includes rigorous documentation by students of their efforts and a peer evaluation process.
  • Learning outcomes include development of both disciplinary and professional skills.
  • Dedicated classroom/meeting space.